Why would SLP-Direct offer our services and resources for FREE?




Simply put: It’s the right thing to do. When we say free, we mean $0.00.

If we are unable to save you a substantial amount based on your current financial situation we are more than happy to completely prepare and process your consolidation with the Department of Education free of charge. We will also help recommend either a Standard or Graduated repayment plan should one of these plans be more beneficial than your current payment arrangement on your Federal student loans.


100% of Disability Discharge Applications for FREE

We understand how much of a financial burden your federal student loans may be on you if you qualify for Disability Discharge. All of our Disability Discharge clients are on a very limited fixed income if they’re “lucky”. Unfortunately, the federal student loan servicers lack in advocating on your behalf and in our experience – FLAT OUT DON’T CARE. The effect this has on your livelihood leaves us sharing a deep level of empathy. On federal student loans, the Department of Education is able to garnish your SSI Disability Benefits. For this reason, it is more important to us to help you for FREE. It does not matter if you are behind on your payments, currently living through the hardships from the government placing you on a tax or wage garnishment. As soon as the Department of Education receives your qualifying application for Disability Discharge, all collection activity, including garnishments, will immediately cease. Start now for $0.00 FOREVER.






100% of our services are available to you for free without the need of hiring SLPD should you understand the ins and outs with a strong financial background. We are a for-profit company committed to helping and pride ourselves on taking an honest approach before all else. Start now.

What you’ll get:
  1. 1. FREE one-on-one guidance from an experienced student loan expert.
  2. 2. FREE answers to your questions at any time.
  3. 3. FREE assistance on what to expect and our company completing all documentation and processing on your half.